Holmes County Auditor Jackie McKee says that a license is a lost dog’s ticket home, it is the law and dogs are required to wear their current license.
The annual dog registration, required by the State of Ohio begins December 1st and runs through the end of January, is a service designed to benefit the animal, its owner and the community. The license tag has an assigned identification number that identifies the owner should the dog become lost or separated from you.
Ohio law (955.01 ORC) maintains that all dogs more than three months of age be licensed each year no later than January 31. The fee is $15.00 per dog. After the January 31, 2020 deadline, the fee is $30.00 per dog. You must be 18 or older to apply for a dog license.
If you have not licensed your dog in the past, there is no penalty to license your pet for the new year. If you already license your dog, a new license form will be mailed by December 1 along with a return envelope for your convenience.
We offer many options for purchasing 2020 dog licenses. Licenses may be purchased at the Auditor’s Office, 75 East Clinton in Millersburg or at the Holmes County Dog Warden Department, 5387 CR 349, Millersburg. Both of these locations can accept debit/credit card payments. There are many satellite locations throughout the County that will be also selling 2020 licenses. Bring your license form with you when purchasing your new tag. Licenses may also be purchased by mail. Return the entire application with the proper fee and the Auditor’s Office will mail your tag(s) back to you. Licenses may also be purchased online. For additional information visit the dog license website at www.holmescountydoglicense.com. Multi-year dog tags are available in addition to the annual tag option. Three year and life time dog tags are available for purchase at the Holmes County Auditor’s Office only.
A kennel license is available at a fee of $75 for people engaged in the business of breeding dogs for sale. A tag must be purchased for each dog in a kennel that is over the age of 3 months. The kennel license will be sold with 5 tags; additional tags will be $1.00 per tag. A kennel license can only be purchased at the Auditor’s Office or at the Dog Warden Department. Large volume breeders must purchase a license through the Ohio Department of Agriculture and the tags through the Auditor’s Office.
Jackie McKee stated, “when you consider how much pet owners invest to keep their pets healthy, happy and safe, the license fee is a small price to pay for another year’s peace of mind.”
All license revenues go towards the operation of the Holmes County Kennel. The Holmes County Kennel is open Mon-Fri 8:30AM-4:30PM and Sat 10AM-2PM.
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About the Author
Jackie McKee, Holmes County Auditor
Serving Since March 1999 - Jackie graduated from Akron University/Wayne College and has 36 years of accounting experience with 30 years being governmental accounting. She is a working "hands on" auditor; personally involved with all aspects of the office.
Jackie is involved with the County Auditors Association of Ohio and is currently serving on a legislative committee. She is past President of the Northeast Auditors Association.